Feral Cat Rescue since 2016
Perpetual care for cats  at the Sanctuary comes with a cost. You are asking us to provide a home, food, vaccines and medical care for the remainder of their life. The cats here live in a secure, safe environment with 24/7 access to a heated and air conditioned space.  To ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of your cat, the Sanctuary fee for perpetual care is $2,500.00 per cat. Payment is required prior to your cat’s arrival and accepted through Zelle or Venmo.  Prior to acceptance, you must email medical records for each cat,  include a current vaccine list and test results for FIV/FeLV. All cats must have a negative FIV/FeLV test result to be accepted into the Sanctuary. We only accept feral and semi-feral, fully vetted cats at the Sanctuary.

The Cat Shack
The Cat Shack is 1,500sf fully enclosed habitat that not only provides heated/air-conditioned shelter for the cats, it provides safety and security from predators. The environment is all natural and gives the cats the ability to climb and tuck into cubbies.
Our Work
As an active Feral Cat Rescue since 2016, Safe Haven Cat Sanctuary is committed to protecting feral cats and kittens. We are not a shelter and we do not accept owner surrendered pets for rehoming. We work exclusively with feral cats and assist those in Tarrant County, TX with TNVR. We loan traps for a fee of $100.00 to $250.00 depending on the trap type. The deposit is returned when the trap has been returned.

Kittens born to feral cats are socialized and placed for adoption. We break the cycle of feral litters by ensuring that all kittens are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped before adoption. Adult cats are also fully vetted prior to returning to their neighborhood of capture.
Helping Those in Need
.....even the tiniest that have been abandoned by society have the right to be here.....and so until my last breath IÂ will defend that right for them.

Reinforcing Our Commitment
Our goal is to support the welfare of feral cats and kittens in need. With the support of our dedicated community, our efforts go a long way.
Would you like to support our efforts?

About Safe Haven Cat Sanctuary
Established in 2016
It is our mission to provide for the socialization, vetting, and adoption of feral kittens for placement in permanent homes. We actively promote and assist with TNR of adult cats. We are dedicated to the care and well-being of these homeless cats and kittens and seek to educate the public on the need to spay/neuter pets, the prevention of animal cruelty, responsible pet ownership, and actively encouraging TNVR.
We do not relocate neighborhood ferals or feral colonies. We will loan traps for your TNR activities. If you are witness to cruelty or neglect of feral cats and kittens, contact law enforcement and /or animal services for assistance.
We do not rehome pets. Strays are handled on a case by case basis.